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Jan Financial wellnessFinancial Wellness Month

January is Financial Wellness Month—it is the perfect time to do a financial checkup and learn about resources available to you. Your financial well-being is as important as your health and mental well-being.

Now is the time to set some financial goals. Here are few tips that could help you get on track.

1. Set a personal budget. It is important to know how much money you have coming in and how you are spending.
2. Create an emergency fund. You never know when something is going to happen or break, so an emergency fund can help you during those times.
3. Start planning for retirement. The best time to start saving for your future is now. Don’t forget, as a Mohawk employee you can get the Company match!

Join Fidelity for Financial Wellness Month and start planning your unique journey across all of life’s moments—beyond just retirement. Free virtual events throughout January. Visit  

Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC
© 2022 FMR LLC. All rights reserved.